Announcing the Cross Country Blog Hop

Here in Minnesota, fall is just wrapping up.  I can’t believe it’s over already . . .  it seems the older I get, the faster it flies by.  I’m in my thirties now, so by the time I’m fifty, how fast will it fly by then?  More importantly, can anybody tell me why this happens? 


While you ponder that, I have some news that may brighten your day – another blog hop!!!  This past summer I participated in the Minnesota Blog Hop, organized by Gudrun Erla of GE Designs.  We had lots of fun and our readers really enjoyed it.  Gudrun has gotten another group of bloggers together for the Cross Country Christmas Blog Hop.  Half of the designers are from Minnesota, and the other half from around the country.  So, if you didn’t get to go on a vacation this year, here is your chance to visit several quilters around the country for a mini vacation. 

Logo cross country christmas copy

Here is the list of participating designers and the day they will be featured:

November 9th:  Gudrun from GE Designs

Nov 10th:  Sandy from Pieces from my Heart

Nov 11th:  Terry from Atkinson Designs

Nov 12th: Pat from Pat Sloan and Co

Nov 13th:  ME!

Nov 14th:  Pam from Pam Kitty Morning

Nov 15th:  Kari from New Leaf Stitches

Nov 16th:  Terri from Whimsicals

Nov 17th:  Sherri from This and That Pattern Co

Nov 18th:  Carrie from Miss Rosie’s Quilt Co

Nov 19th:  Roseann from Rosebud’s Cottage

Nov 20th:  Linda Lum DeBono

Each day a designer will be sharing a small christmas project for you to make, just in time for the holidays.  In addition to a free pattern, many designers will also be sharing a prize with their readers that day.  We will also have prizes for a few winners that comment on each blog on the day they are featuring their free pattern.  Each day will have a topic that we will share about, such as a favorite christmas gift or recipe.  It will be lots of fun for everyone, so spread the word! 

To kick off the blog hop, we will be having a contest!  Stop by each of the blogs this Wednesday to participate.  We will all be posting a baby picture of another designer.  You will have until Saturday to guess which picture goes with which designer!



About Heather Peterson

Quilt pattern designer
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18 Responses to Announcing the Cross Country Blog Hop

  1. SewLindaAnn says:

    I’m excited to participate in the blog hop. It sounds fun!! I love the picture of the water, it looks like a wonderful place to visit.

  2. Mary Ann Dove says:

    Love the idea and maybe can make a few gifts for Cristmas for loved ones and friends. Also like the you don’t have to have to have a blog site that is becoming so popular to win a prize these days.

  3. Cindy says:

    How fun and exciting.

    FYI – I just received an order from Fat Quarter Shop on line and in it was your newest book, “On The Run” that I ordered. It’s wonderful!!

  4. Stephanie says:

    Sound like fun! BTW…I just turned 50 and there’s no slowing down the time! I’m still wondering how Christmas is right around the corner.

  5. Kristy says:

    Time does go faster as you get older…the reason….well at age 30 one year of your life is 1/30the of your whole life, but when you are 50 it is now only 1/50th of the whole…thus seemingly going faster in relationship to the whole. The other way I look at it is like a roll of toilet paper, the closer you get to the end the faster it goes. Regardless, I am thankful for each day I am blessed with here on Earth, which means one more day of sewing! Kristy in Ohio

  6. Barb says:

    Sounds like alot of fun….maybe while I am away to the States I can check in every now and then.

  7. Jocelyn says:

    I had so much fun on the last blog hop. I am really looking forward to this one. I already have the button up on my blog 🙂

  8. I have never done a blog hop. I mean, I hop from one blog to another each and every day, but this will be somewhat different and sounds like LOTS of fun!

  9. I love your hops…hooray!

  10. jen duncan says:

    Well, at 51 I have to tell you it goes by SO FREAKIN’ FAST it’ll make your head spin. So enjoy every moment that you can! I have to tell you; I’m plowing my way through about 7 older clearanced Christmas jelly rolls and the inspiration and ideas I get from your galleries is invaluable. You are a VERY good sharer and I really appreciate you!

  11. Julia says:

    How fun! I can’t wait!

  12. sewpam63 says:

    I am SEW excited about this Cross Country Christmas blog hop!!! Thanks for taking part in this adventure and sharing it with us!!! : )

  13. Gladys says:

    Qué maravillosa idea! Muchas gracias por vuestra generosidad! He publicado la noticia en mi blog (espero haber hecho una correcta traducción), para que también mis lectoras puedan compartir esta alegría! Veremos cómo es el juego! Suerte para todos! Espero ansiosa el 9! Un fuerte abrazo!

  14. Di says:

    So pretty your state! And you are so generous with your cross country hop!

  15. Mary says:

    The picture is of Linda Lum Debono

  16. Jill says:

    This has to be Pam

  17. Is this Linda D?

  18. TheaM1 says:

    best blog hop e-v-e-r…. when are you going to do this again?

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