February 2015

Life is pretty busy here – as I’m sure it is for many of you.   I haven’t had time to prepare a formal blog post on anything, so I just thought I’d share a few pictures of what is going on over here.


I have been busy quilting and binding projects for my book that will come out at spring market.  Here are two of my favorites –


This fabric line is Aloha Girl by Fig Tree Quilts.  I said it on Instragram and I’ll say it again – the blue border fabric is beautiful!


This quilt is made using one of Basic Grey’s new lines – Fresh Cut.


This little guy turned 6 months.   I haven’t had time to take his official pictures, but here are a few iphone pics.



We just had his 6 month check-up last week and his head is the same size as Carter’s was at this age (huge), but he is shorter and about 10% heavier.



Max also got his first two teeth last week and figured out what a spoon was for.  He loves peas and is a bit indifferent to the rest.  I hope there is a little break before he gets more teeth.  He practically didn’t nap for the entire week, but he (and I) are doing much better this week.



Is there anything cuter than a baby having a bath in the kitchen sink?


Or maybe this?


And we are trying our hand at potty training for the first time – Carter is doing pretty well with it, but there has been a little bit of bribery involved.   Last night I traded a puppy puzzle for . . . ?  I’m sure you can guess it without me having to say it.  It was so cute to hear him yelling “I did it Mom!!!”, over and over.  He also said he was stinky like a dinosaur, which made me laugh too.  The things I never thought I would be doing or celebrating over . . .



Lastly, we are very sick of winter.  Carter keeps asking where his beach went and why the lake is frozen.  That’s about as exciting as it gets around here.

Have a great weekend!

About Heather Peterson

Quilt pattern designer
This entry was posted in Fabric Trends, Family, Machine Quilting. Bookmark the permalink.

16 Responses to February 2015

  1. deborah a. manning says:

    The most adorable children!! Love the fabrics and projects you are working on.

  2. Carolyn says:

    Yes, so adorable. Your posts (whether fabric or babies) always put a smile on my face. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Connie G says:

    Thanks for sharing the smiles and also the quilts!

  4. LINDA says:


  5. Diane says:

    It looks like you are enjoying those beautiful children of yours . Thanks for sharing !

  6. Randi Mason says:

    Those boys are such cuties! And you are a great photographer, Heather. Quilts are beautiful too!

  7. Jean says:

    You inspire me. Thanks!

  8. Pam Tocornal says:

    Your quilting is beautiful but you surely can’t improve on those boys. When I hear a baby laughing full throttle, I think that is the very best sound in the whole world. Why do babies always laugh when they are taking a bath in the kitchen sink? Too cute….

  9. Shaun says:

    Darling boys!

  10. Catherine Stiele says:

    I love seeing the pictures of your two beautiful boys. How blessed you and your husband are, looking forward to seeing you at Quilt Market, yeah, it,s in Mpls this year.

  11. Jilna Hatton says:

    Thanks for sharing photos of Max & Carter. They are so gorgeous looking boys. Look forward to seeing those lovely quilts. Love the fabric too.
    Jilna. Perth, W.A. Australia

  12. Ann in NC says:

    Fun pictures! Glad the boys are thriving! YAY, a new book to look forward to!

  13. ailsa says:

    It’s amazing what you get excited about when you are looking after small children!

  14. Pat says:

    Your boys are beautiful. How bless you are! My “boys” are 39 and 40 now–time does fly by! Hope you are enjoying every labor intensive minute! (and I think the puzzle was a good trade!) Thanks for your creativity, inspiration, and your blog! You betcha! (I’m from Minnesota, too, ya know!)

  15. Anne M says:

    You certainly have a busy household. I hope the Max is not too miserable with the new teeth. beautiful sneak peaks of your new patterns.

  16. lepowell says:

    Yes, I remember being so excited about such things as potty training!! Those little men are beautiful! We are all tired of the cold, but I am getting a shot in the arm, going to FL next week.

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