Carter’s 10 and 11 Month Pictures

I hope you all had a good Memorial Day.  Ours was fun, but it was cold, wet and gloomy so we weren’t out by the water like we usually are.  In fact, when we were outside, there wasn’t a single boat on the lake!


Once again, I am behind in sharing Carter’s monthly pictures.  With all the market rush, I missed posting his ten months pictures, so I am going to share both the 10 and 11 month pics.  Along with the pictures, I like to share a few of his favorite things and what he is currently up to.  It’s so nice for me to be able to look back at his pictures and remember when!

This shot is taken just before he turned 10 months – Back when he would stay sitting for a short time so I could get his picture 😉


At that point, he was pulling up to everything.  Now he is walking along things.  It’s amazing how many things we have that are at his perfect height.


If they aren’t, he just pulls up to whatever he can reach, then pulls down whatever he can get his hands on.

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He loves to play with anything that isn’t a toy – remotes, phones, cameras, iPads, my camera cover, even things that don’t look remotely interesting – as long as he doesn’t usually get to play with it – he is interested.  I think he is already showing that he has a shorter attention span like his father  (squirrel!!)

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He especially loves the vacuum cleaner and squeals with delight anytime you try to use it.  His eyes just light up and he hustles over to where you are attempting to use it.


He also loves books with flaps or books that have buttons to push.  He doesn’t really want you to read them to you yet, as that takes too much time.  He wants to quickly turn the page to get to the button or flap on the next page.


He has started playing with shape sorters and stacking toys.  He actually knows what to do with them, rather than just sucking on the parts and pieces.


Other new things include his first stay at a hotel and swimming in the pool.  I was shocked that he wasn’t scared of the water or water slide.


We had our first Mother’s Day

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He has two new teeth – the top two, which have been dubbed “hippopotamus” teeth.   The shot shows what happens when he doesn’t get his way.  He waves his arms back and forth while he shrieks or complains.  He is quite an opinionated little guy.


He has had his first haircut – which didn’t go that well.  He kept swinging his head from side to side to look the scissors.  I kept trying to even it out, but it just got shorter and shorter, without getting any straighter.  I finally gave up and left it crooked.   Plus, he insisted on holding the comb.  Next time I will be prepared with two combs.  And maybe a sucker or something else to keep him sitting still.


He doesn’t seem to like having his picture taken, especially right before nap time!


Here is he after the nap – smiling and happy once again.

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(As you can see he is still drooling, with more teeth on the way)

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Plus, he is just starting to get to go outside and seems to love it.  If it ever warms up, he will get to play outside longer.  It will be such a nice change or scenery from being inside all winter!

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It feels like he has really changed the last few months.  We saw several babies at quilt market and I was reminded again of how fast this is going.  I don’t know if there were more babies there this year, or if this is the first time that I am paying attention to babies.  I almost teared up seeing them and thinking of Carter at that age.  I practically can’t even watch commercials with babies in them or I need a tissue.  I told Joel, “I don’t know what has happened to me!”   He simply said, “Carter is what happened to you.”

Yep.   That says it all.

About Heather Peterson

Quilt pattern designer
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30 Responses to Carter’s 10 and 11 Month Pictures

  1. Mark M says:

    When my son got his first haircut my MIL let him hold a small mirror which kept him busy during the process so she could cut his hair without too many issues.

  2. What a beautiful son you have.This is better than pictures of quilts! Babies look so pure and sweet. Carter has the happiest look and smile. I think I might have just fallen in love.

  3. 44thstreetfabric says:

    Oh, thank you again for sharing! Carter is so beautiful! Your photos are wonderful…you will be so glad you have them. There will be an ache in your arms whenever you see a baby from now on. It’s why people have more than one child. 🙂 Carter is a gorgeous baby! Thanks again!

    Cheery wave from
    Grammy Bev

  4. shelley says:

    So.Cute. Every picture! I’m sure it’s hard to believe that he is almost ONE. You still have many years of growing and changing. Do his cousins just love him?!! I’m sure they do. Blessings to all of you!

  5. Moya O'Keeffe says:

    Gorgeous child. .They do grow up so quickly

  6. Tina in Nevada says:

    What beautiful pictures! Carter is just a gorgeous little doll!! Love those blue eyes!!!

  7. Sue Lord says:

    He is so precious. Enjoy every moment the years seem to fly by. I feel so happy for you every time I see his little face.

  8. Sue says:

    Beautiful baby, maybe you need another? Thanks for sharing!

  9. Dawn says:

    What wonderful photos! I love being able to watch this beautiful little boy grow up. All too soon we will be thinking of him as a handsome young man instead of a beautiful little boy!

  10. I tried suckers once. The sucker attracted every single hair that was cut. 😦 We had to take the hairy sucker away. Then we were left with a crying baby with half a haircut. But letting him play with the water spray bottle was really fun for him. Especially when one of us would squirt water in his mouth. 🙂

  11. Pingback: New Quilt Projects And A Giveaway! | Passing Down Crazy

  12. Linda says:

    He is adorable and looks so much like his Mommy. 🙂 I relate with needing tissues – I cry at most commercials. It really doesn’t seem any time since our son was that age, and we just celebrated his 43rd birthday. :-O

  13. Cathy says:

    What a sweetheart! Just as cute as can be. I love his sweaters, too! Who says baby boys aren’t fun to dress?

  14. Julie says:

    He is a beautiful ltitle boy – I almost feel clucky again when I see your pictures of him. Encourage a love of the vacuum cleaner – I tell my 9 year old son that it is considered a power tool as it plugs in and makes noise. He will vacuum the house for me too.

  15. Karen says:

    Carter is a handsome little man! Thanks for sharing Heather!

  16. HopeTN says:

    LOL – Squirrel!

    He is such a cutie!

  17. They do grow so fast. He’s a little cutie!

  18. What a handsome little guy! Such happy smiles! Enjoy every minute!

  19. Sarah says:

    A beautiful child! His hair really kicked in to growing mode between 10 & 11 months. I love his little curls that flick out the bottom of his hair. Just delightful, all of his pictures. Funny, my kids hated the vacuum. It was too loud for them.

  20. Marsha Nelson says:

    Carter is such a cute little guy. Yes, they do grow fast. When I brought my 2nd baby home, I looked at how tiny she was and at my sleeping 3 1/2 year old boy. He looked so big compared to his baby sister that I sat down on his bed and cried like my heart was broken. I also remember the day that he picked me up and carried me across the room. Cherish every moment and enjoy the journey.

  21. Silvia says:

    Ooh! He’s so sweet! He’s a very beautiful little boy :))

  22. SuzK says:

    He is such a beautiful baby. I love that age – they constantly change and are a delight to watch. My son’s dad held him when we got his earlier haircuts. Dad kept him amused and he watched his dad while the barber cut his hair (I still have the locks and he’s 31 now!). I was reading the other comments and remember the day my son came up behind me and put his chin on my head! I do have to say, though, he’s still a delight!

  23. Debra Masek says:

    Absolutely love that you share family photos with those of us who follow your blog! I am so happy that being a mom suits you and makes you happy! My children are now young adults…but…my most favorite job ever is MOM…it’s the BEST! Enjoy every minute.

  24. Cindy Hagen says:

    Thanks for sharing so much….since my son tells me I’ll never be a grandma, I really enjoy living vicariously through others!

  25. Claudia Voorhees says:

    Thanks for sharing……he is a cutie !

  26. i’ve finally find you again, i’ve lost your blog address time ago!!! , you’ve such a lovely little boy, god bless from italy!

  27. Linda H says:

    Absolutely ADORABLE!! LOVE every single picture … you are all so blessed 😉

  28. Linda P says:

    What an absolute blessing!! Carter is beautiful, and I won’t tire of seeing his photos ever!!

  29. Bari Jo says:

    :o) Sweet pictures! I’m so glad that Carter is what happened to you! ;O) And so thankful you got to celebrate your first Mother’s Day and Father’s Day!!!! :O) Many blessings and many more ahead of you!

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