A Little DIY

I have really been in the mood to lighten and brighten my house lately.  I have been slowly changing a few things and will be sharing a some pictures of the changes.  The room that is the closest to being finished is the bathroom.  You may recall me blogging about it a couple of years ago when I painted it brown and stenciled one of my fabric designs on the wall.

Though I hated to see the stencil go, I just couldn’t stand that dark brown any more.  It’s now grey and the wainscoting is a brighter white.


The color scheme is loosely based on the quilt that is laying over the tub –


I also wanted to include some colored frames with bath photos of Carter.  I saw something similar on Pinterest and thought they would brighten up the grey walls.


I used an easy technique to figure out how to hang them.  I laid the plaques out on a large sheet of newsprint and traced around them to mark their location.


Next, I taped the newsprint on the wall at the desired height, etc.  I had already marked the location of the hang hole and used that mark to locate the nails.  Easy Peasy!  No measuring and marking up the walls.   I usually can’t seem to get the location right or measure right – so I end up with lots of extra nail holes.  With this method, I had them right the first time.  It was great to have the visual of the paper hanging on the wall so I could see exactly where I wanted to hang them.


The bathroom is pretty small, so just a few little extra accessories and I was done.  I spray painted the little cupboard that I already had for an extra pop of color.


The next DIY project will be a new bed for our room.  Joel is going for the husband of the year award and has made us a storage bed.  He assembling it tonight and I can’t wait to see it in our room!



About Heather Peterson

Quilt pattern designer
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21 Responses to A Little DIY

  1. Jean says:

    This looks really good too, but I did love the elegant brown with stenciling. I need some of your energy, not to mention your creativity! Thanks for the wall planning tutorial.

  2. Candie says:

    I love this room so much. Great job!

  3. Nita says:

    Such a sweet little bathroom. We are moving to a house with only one bathroom, about that size. Nice to see how good it can be made to look.

  4. Patty F says:

    Loved the brown, but love the gray also! And it looks so much different lighter and makes the floor tiles pop! The colored frames are adorable, but then you have such a cutie for a model!

  5. Lori says:

    Gorgeous room, where did you find the plaques to paint for the pictures.

  6. Nancy Wilson says:

    Have you ever tried the 3M picture hangers? They are Velcro & have some special stuff on the back that sticks & removes without removing paint. Also easy to get things straight & no nail holes! I love them. Beautiful bathtub!

  7. Love the bathtub! Did you paint that as well?

  8. Teri says:

    Love your makeover. Do you have a favorite paint that you use for furniture?

    • Hi Teri – We had the bed sprayed with oil base paint. It looks so much better than anything I have tried to brush or roll myself. Plus oil base always looks so much nicer than latex.

  9. Melissa says:

    Oh my goodness! I love this bathroom sooooooooo much! You did an amazing job on it and I just love the quilt that you you used for “inspiration”! Please post pics after you get your bedroom completed. I need to work on our bedroom, so this may help me! I just love the pics you have shown of your home and how you include your “passion” for quilting in it. Very inspiration. Keep up the good work!

  10. RoseMary Baty-Willcox says:

    What about the picture or quilted piece above the tub? How was that done? Love the colors.

  11. heidi says:

    Love it! What a great idea for hanging the pictures! I’ll have to try that since we just moved house and lots of pictures to hang! I love the mini quilt hanging over the bath. You should sell kits… 🙂

  12. Debbie says:

    I would love to wake up to your bathroom each morning. Thank you for giving us so many ideas

  13. Shelley says:

    Love the makeover! Of course, that cute little boy of yours would brighten up any room 🙂 Where did you get the wood pieces for the pictures?

  14. Leslie says:

    Your trick for hanging pictures is fabulous! I have a newly painted kitchen that is bare walled because I didn’t want to put a bunch of nail holes in those lovely unmarked walls. Now I will have the courage to hang some things and give it a little character! Thank you for your idea and your inspiration!

  15. Your redo is wonderful. Love the pops of color. Great job!

  16. charlotte says:

    Love the grey in the bathroom. It really makes the whole room look better and bigger and cleaner lines. Are you going to share a photo of this wonderful storage bed soon?

  17. Andy says:

    Love the new look in the bathroom! Where did you find that fantastic rug?

  18. Kris Bair says:

    Love it! Although I loved your brown the grey is really pretty too. And where do I find the pattern for the wall hanging?

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