Day 7 of the Fall-O-Ween Blog Hop

It’s the start of a new month and a new week, but the blog hop continues!  Thanks to everyone who stopped by to see my project yesterday and leave me such nice comments!  It was a fun day. 

Today’s it’s the other Terri’s turn to be the featured designer, so click here to see what her project is today.  Don’t forget to leave a comment on every ones blog sometime during the blog hop, to be entered into the drawing for the great prizes!  

There has also been a Flickr group set up for you to post your finished blog hop projects.  It’s a great way to share your project with the other hoppers and for us designers to see what you have done with our ideas!

Today’s topic is Fall Gatherings.   

When we were kids, we always went to the big fall bash hosted by our church.  It was complete with candy, games, candy, lots of kids in Halloween costumes, and more candy.

In highschool, my favorite fall gatherings were the Friday night football games.  I  just loved the sound of the pep band in the background and the crunching of football gear.  It was even more fun later, when my younger brother was playing.  His team did really well that year, and I remember not being able to contain myself during the playoffs.  I was normally quite reserved, but I couldn’t keep myself from jumping up and down on the bleachers and screaming.

Now, my favorite fall gatherings are quilt retreats.  For some reason, fall always puts me in the mood for a retreat. It also happens to be when many quilt shops hold their annual retreats.  In fact, I was just at a quilt retreat the last few days, but I forgot to take any pictures!  Instead I’ll show you a few pictures of a retreat I had at my house last fall. 

It was a small group of about 10 or 12, just enough to fill up my driveway with cars.

We set up our supplies in my studio, which normally looks like this.

Okay, so maybe it doesn’t look quite like this.  It only looks like this once or twice a year when I clean up to have a retreat!

Then, during the retreat, it looks like this!  Notice how everyone is pretending to be sooo busy and avoid the dreaded camera?

These little retreats are also where little ones get some of their first exposure to sewing.  Ya gotta love that!

 There may also be a few other things going on at these retreats, like this: 


and lots of this:


 No wonder it’s my favorite fall gathering!

 I wonder what the other designers had to say about fall gatherings?  Here are the links if you want to find out!

Gudrun – GE Designs
Terri – Whimsicals

About Heather Peterson

Quilt pattern designer
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40 Responses to Day 7 of the Fall-O-Ween Blog Hop

  1. Kim G says:

    What a beautiful studio!! Absolutely gorgeous and it looks like fun was had by all!!

  2. Sandy says:

    How wonderful having a retreat in your own home!! I love it! I love your studio too but that is a whole other comment! LOL!

  3. Cheryl says:

    A quilting retreat is the perfect fall gathering. I am going to a small one this afternoon.

  4. Can I come over? Beautiful!

  5. Judy C in NC says:

    A truly beautiful studio – you have become my inspiration as we house hunt and begin to think what we want in a home. Thanks

  6. Darlene B says:

    I just had my fall quilting retreat a few weeks ago. It really gets my inspiration going! The hardest part is coming home and going back to work….

  7. Cindy C. says:

    Heather, that’s MY kind of gathering – A QUILT RETREAT !!!

    Happy Fall.

  8. Grace says:

    Beautiful studio! Looks like a wonderful place to be at for a retreat. And, I loved seeing that Sippy Cup mixed in amongst the sewing machine and fabric! Sweet!

  9. JayTee says:

    What great family pics!! loved all the photos

  10. Jocelyn says:

    Wow that looks like fun!

  11. dawn says:

    Your retreat looks like so much fun! Can I come next time! hehe! Thanks for sharing!

  12. stephanie b says:

    This may seem like a silly thing but, I love the wall color of your studio…do you remember what paint you used? It’s really pretty, just what I’ve been looking for. Thank you for all the inspiration…knitting, decorating, etc.

  13. I want to come! How wonderful to have the little folks around. I just got back from a retreat (it was terribly hot outside), but your post makes me want to attend another. Thanks for sharing!

  14. Bonnie Nyquist says:

    Your sewing studio is awesome, my dream!!! Best part is bringing the little ones!! Every big sewer was a little sewer to start!! Bonnie Nyquist bonniesline at aol dot com

  15. Wendy says:

    Love your studio! Wish I had one. I sew in my dining room and have to drag everything out when I sew!

  16. AmyBB says:


    Looks like fun was had by all!

  17. wbotw39 says:

    How fun to have the wee ones there –

  18. Claire says:

    Looks like fun, can I come over for the next one? Cute kids.

  19. michele hester says:

    wow – love the studio. it cleans up nice! i know what you mean about the rare occasions when the studio’s get cleaned up. 😉

  20. Pamela says:

    How fun! I’d love to have a space like that to hold retreats in – I’ll bet you all get a lot of sewing done.

  21. ArdisYoung says:

    Thanks I love your Penny Rug. Hope this will be a fun blog hop for all. Ardis

  22. Bridgid says:

    YUMMY!!! What kind of cake is that?

  23. Sandra Cudd says:

    What a fun quilt retreat…a gathering of friends. thanks for sharing the photos.

  24. How great that your friends brought children along to learn new skills. They can never start creating early enough! Thanks for sharing your sewing space with us all.

  25. Kris Tuttle says:

    The retreat looks so fun. Some day I’d like to go to a quilting retreat. I’ve been to scrapbook retreats and they are very fun!

  26. Kelly Ann says:

    Great retreat space…and the food looks yummy.

  27. Polly says:

    Wow! i wanna come to your retreats!!

  28. Chris says:

    Awww I loved this post. The retreat pictures look like you all had such a fun time. I would love to do a quilt retreat, especially in a warm cozy place like your studio! 🙂 How sweet to have the little girls there too.

  29. What an amazing space to have a quilty gathering…wish I lived closer!

  30. Jackie says:

    Could I come next time?? Love your studio.

  31. westcoastauntie says:

    Such a beautiful studio. Your photos always look like you all are having such a wonderful time.

  32. I have yet to join a quilt retreat. My kids have weekend activities that keep me busy!

    My high school was very small and didn’t have football. So I really didn’t do the football thing, though some friends and I did visit a couple of games in nearby towns. I still have no idea what is going on on the field!

  33. Diane says:

    Love the studio!! I wish I could go to a retreat similiar to this. There is not much offered in our area along these lines.

  34. Ilona says:

    Oh I’m jealous… what a fun gathering and your studio is spacious and cozy… perfect!! xs for sharing.. somehow I felt there in the fun!


  35. Leslie Schmidt says:

    It may look gray and gloomy outside, but it’s always sunny in your studio. Gee, that almost sounds like a radio station plug. (KS95, anyone?) I gulped when I saw that cake plate filled with yummy goodness. Wow!

  36. Jennifer says:

    Sounds like fun! What a fantastic space to have a retreat too!

  37. Rene' Sharp says:

    Oh my goodness but your retreat looks like so much fun. I LOVE your space, it is just stunning. Your blog is inspiring in SO many ways!! 🙂

  38. Abby says:

    I love your studio and I love quilt retreats!

  39. Paula Johnson says:

    A quilting retreat thats great ,I wish i just had a sewing room. That is in my dreams.

  40. Trudy says:

    WOW I would love to sewing at space. It is great.

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