The Rest of the Preview

Hi Everyone!

First off, I have to say thanks for all the nice comments that were offered up on my last post.  Sometimes it’s a little nerve-wracking to put yourself out there, so the comments were really appreciated.  I have been struggling with the creative process lately, so the comments were a real encouragement to me!  In fact, I have had so many people asking me about the creative process lately, that I am working on a blog post about it.  I will have time to finish it up after market, so more on that topic later. 

Onto the rest of the quilts from the book –

Spanish Tiles

This design was actually inspired by the fabric on my first demo model, shown below. (or so I thought.)  The fabric is Deer Valley by Joel Dewberry.

Then my husband asked me if it was inspired by the garden sidewalks at the Alhambra, which we visited 6 months before I made this quilt.  I took so many pictures of all the beautiful designs there, but wasn’t looking at the pictures when I was working on the idea for this quilt.  Do you suppose my subconscious remembered?

Here’s a close-up of the quilting, as many or you commented in my last post that you like seeing details on the quilting.  It was my first time trying the pebble or bubble quilting, so that was fun. 


Soulful Blossoms, using my Artful Home line.

This quilt was inspired by my asymmetrical kitchen.  You will see why I needed a design with the flowers off to the side when you see my kitchen. (Sorry for the bad lighting, but you get the idea)

The quilting details:

(Kits here)

If you want, you can flip the quilt so the flowers run across the top, as shown below.  I think this makes a great baby quilt.  The photo also shows the baby quilt size of “Hip to {NOT} Be Square.

The baby girl quilt is done up in Whimsy, the newest line from my Mom and I.  (It will be previewing at market next week).  The boy quilt is done with Lily and Will, designed by Anne Sutton of Bunny Hill.  Boy quilts are really hard to find good fabric for, not to mention coming up with a quilting idea that doesn’t involve flowers!

Speaking of flowers –

Pinwheel Posies is the name.

The fabric is called Frolic by Sandy Gervais.

Starlit Evening:  Showing off my sister’s bed room and Bonnie and Camille’s fabric line Bliss.

Here’s a better view of all those interconnecting stars . . .

I’ve already made this quilt three times myself (in different sizes), so it isn’t as hard as it looks.  It’s strip-pieced, I might add.

One of the size options includes this tree skirt.

It also works as a tablecloth.  The fabrics are from my Christmas line “Deck the Halls” which should be coming out this month.

That covers the last of the projects from “Living Large 2”.  That’s a long post!  I you have made it this far, you are eligible to win a copy of the book.  Just leave me a comment about what you are up to, or whatever you feel like talking about.  I’ll announce the winner shortly, so stop back soon.

Pleast note this drawing is now closed 5 – 9-11

About Heather Peterson

Quilt pattern designer
This entry was posted in Machine Quilting, Pattern of the Week, Quilting and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink.

234 Responses to The Rest of the Preview

  1. Lana says:

    Lovin’ all those quilts. It’s so inspiring to see fresh stuff.
    Lroghair (at) aol (dot) com

  2. AnnieO says:

    LOTS of great quilt designs. I always like how you include plenty of diagonal lines in your designs to give the quilts movement and take your eye all the way around. This will be another bestseller book! I just finished a Sunday Picnic quilt from your first book that I sent off to Quilts for Japan.

  3. Manda says:

    Wow gorgeous stuff there. The spanish tiles quilt is my favourite, closely followed by starlit evening! The quilting details are fab too 🙂

  4. Vivian says:

    Thanks for the rest of the preview! As I commented on the first part, these designs are really interesting and very graphic. I don’t usually get to work with large scale fabrics but seeing these I may have to give them a try. Right now I am trying to focus on UFOs and BOMs so I can clear the decks for new projects like these.

  5. Amber says:

    I love those quilts, and your fabric. Right now i am looking for a job.

  6. Patty V. says:

    I love all your quilting- thanks for all the close ups. The Spanish Tiles quilt is fabulous- especially the pink version.

  7. Ardis says:

    Can’t wait to cut into my large prints and make every quilt in the new book. Wonderful designs and great color chioces to entice us all!

  8. ~Michelle~ says:

    Oh wow, Starlit Evening is AWESOME!

  9. BFromM says:

    I love those designs! I’m always drawn to big prints, and this book will be great for using them.

  10. Andrea_R says:

    I’m heading out to our local quilt show right now. 🙂 I’m doing a shift as a greeter at the door.

    I have one quilt in the show and I’m *still* worried it’s not good enough because I made it in 1995. 😦

  11. I love that Starlit Evening pattern!

    The Spanish Tiles reminds me of the shape of my sorority pin – a quatrefoil.

  12. robin says:

    !! Beautiful quilts! Especially love Soulful Blossoms. 🙂 What am I doing? Procrastinating as I read blogs – I need to get on the treadmill. haha

  13. QuilterCaroline says:

    I just love the quilts!! I think I want to make everyone of them, they are so fresh and clean looking and simply stunning. Thank you. Caroline

  14. Donna says:

    Creative process difficulties? One would not know from all the lovely (creative!) pictures in your post. The quilts are beautiful! Soulful Blossoms is simply fantastic. Happy quilting!

  15. Annie Davis says:

    I LOVE the a-symmetrical quilt! And I love the way it goes with your kitchen table – perfect!

  16. Tressa says:

    I just love the new designs. Thanks for showing them. Currently I’m postponing a sewing project that I’ve been asked to teach. Nothing like procrastination…

  17. Michelle says:

    Oh wow….those are all so gorgeous. I have been drooling over almost every quilt in the book. You are really creative and do such stunning designs.

    I would love a copy otherwise it will definitely be on my wishlist.

  18. Karen Stennes says:

    I’m always sooo inspired after seeing your posts. You do such incredible, beautiful work. And, I’m also inspired by your knitting photos as well. I’m a new knitter, but have been having a blast with it! So glad you are sharing your wonderful creativity!

  19. NorahS says:

    I rarely use patterns or refer to quilting books but these quilts are stunning (as are your fabrics) and I would like to try my hand at them. I would love to win your book. Have fun at quilt market! I wish I were going!

  20. Jenny says:


  21. Diane says:

    All are beautiful and inspiring! I especially like the Spanish Tiles being based on rectangles rather than squares; lovely.

  22. Nancy Drewek says:

    Oh, my gosh! The quilts, the colors, the fabrics!!! So beautiful!!!

  23. P. says:

    Every single project is just beautiful! Thanks for the wonderful eye candy!

  24. Karla says:

    Your posts are always so inspirational, full of beautiful color and design.

  25. Kristen D says:

    Beautiful! I love your long posts with all those pretty pictures! 🙂

  26. Lesly says:

    Great geometric effects in those quilts – I love them!

  27. Kris Bair says:

    I’ve been making up my Diamond Diva twin bed quilt for my daughter out of your Sanibel line….but I really love these quilts so i’m going to have to hurry this quilt along so I can make another one:)

  28. Dianne says:

    Love the book. Love the interconnecting hexagon stars. Love the fabric. Love it all. Here’s the tough question: Did you drag the Christmas tree out of storage just for the picture? Impressive 🙂

  29. you always “awe” me.

  30. Mary beth says:

    Every time I see your work it makes me want to hole up with my sewing machine!
    I’m looking forward to a great weekend with a little downtime… After the kids track meet tonight.
    Mary Beth

  31. Love all the quilts, especially the first one. Hope I win!! lol

  32. kelly says:

    There’s not a single picture on here that didn’t have me saying “I think I’d like to make that”… 🙂 Can’t wait to find this book! 🙂

  33. Celeste says:

    I am in love with all your new things. LOVE Starlit Evening!

  34. Nancy says:

    Beautiful projects Heather! Wow, what I have been up to is recovering from surgery and today was my first sewing day in over 4 months and it has been delightful. I didn’t work on any UFO’s or WIP’s, I just pulled out fabrics I loved and sewed up some small instant gratification projects. Now I am working on some fun stitchery quilt block centers using gorgeous Australian hand dyed variegated threads from Cottage Garden Threads that were a gift to me from my Australian friends, here in Utah for Spring Market. So I am a very happy quilter today. :o)

  35. DianeH says:

    Absolutely delicious post! When I finish this I’m going back for another helping.

  36. Kare in OH says:

    Thanks for the sneak peek! Looks like I’ll be adding yet another of your books to my library!

  37. Charlotte says:

    Eagerly awaiting your new Christmas line…the tree skirt will be a gift for an upcoming wedding!

  38. Marsha says:

    The quilts are all gorgeous! I especially love the baby girl quilt and the Christmas Tree skirt! They are my favorites. Cannot wait until that fabric hits the shops. This post was worth the wait. Have a great market!

  39. Megan says:

    The Spanish Tiles and Interconnecting Stars patterns are definitely my favorites of this lot. I’ll definitely be on the lookout for this book in my local shops! I know you’re busy getting ready for Market, but I always LOVE to see what you’re working on!

  40. Jana says:

    Always look forward to your posts…..have to say I LOVE the black polka-dot fabric you used in your tree skirt! Amazing!

  41. Gail says:

    I love the Starlit evening, both the quilt and the tree skirt! I made a promise to myself to make a tree skirt for me by this Christmas, I have made several but none for me. Soulful blossoms looks great on your kitchen wall! I would really like to redo my house after seeing your pictures! I love your quilting, wish I could do that. Have fun at market!

  42. Deb W. says:

    Beautiful quilts. I’m going to have to get this book and can’t wait to see your new fabric line. Have a great time in Salt Lake.

  43. Mary says:

    Your quilts are gorgeous! I’m always love to see how you have quilted everything. Your quilting and photography are very inspirational. Thanks for sharing.

  44. Karen says:

    Love the book and quilts! Have fun at Market inbetween all the work!

  45. DianeY says:

    I’m up to dreaming about all the beautiful quilts I would make from this book! What a spectacular assortment!

  46. LaurieC says:

    Love the patterns – your Christmas tree skirt is wonderful – I want to make a new one! Thanks for all your great work 🙂

  47. Gwen Walter says:

    Wow what tatent God has blessed you with. Thanks for sharing.

  48. Jolyn Olson says:

    You’ve gotten a lot more done than me! I’m working on a SW design for a daughter-in-law in batiks. Going together really well! Love those stars!! Anxious to get the book and see how you did them!

  49. SusanC says:

    Beautiful quilts! Wonderful colors! I am working on three baby quilts using Lollipop by Sandy Gervais. It is working well for “gender neutral” quilts. I would have waited to find out the sex of these sweet babies but since all three are my new grandchildren, I needed to get started now! We are looking forward to a set of twins in September with another baby coming in October. It’s going to be a busy and wonderful fall!!

  50. Liz Samlow says:

    Can’t wait to get my hands on a copy…wait…maybe I will win one!

  51. Debbie says:

    I love the Spanish Tiles quilt, looks great. I really like the quilt details. Did you do your quilts on a long arm or a home sewing machine? Thanks Debbie

  52. Diane says:

    I don’t know when I’ve seen so many quilts in one book that I’d like to make. Great job!
    (as for what I’m doing – I’m off to China!)

  53. Kay Mc says:

    I’m loving all of your new designs, especially the last quilt made out of the bliss fabric. I have some of that fabric & have been trying to decide which special pattern to use for it. This may just be that specail pattern!

  54. Lovely quilts! The Spanish tiles one is my favourite of this batch. I’d like to know where you put all the quilts that you make. You probably sell them, but you must still have quite a few quilts at home. How do you store them? Where? How do you decide which ones you keep and which ones give away or sell?

  55. Sunnybec says:

    I love them all. I really like how your quilts are always so full of colour. I never know what colours to put together. I have one of your books and this one is definitely on my list to buy. Thanks for the inspiration.

  56. Lydia says:

    Heather, as always, wonderful stuff. What I’m up to is getting ready for a week-long quilting retreat. I’ll leave Sunday afternoon, and be home late the following Sunday afternoon. I’m hoping to come home with several things finished, and progress made on other things. Can’t wait for your book to be released, and I’d surely love to win a copy.

  57. Michelle says:

    I always love to visit your blog, your quilts always look so fresh and crisp and you have some fabulous designs, I really want to make the star quilt!

  58. Diann Kremer says:

    Heather! You come up with such wonderful ideas. I may have to go shopping and get pattern and fabric to make another of your quilts. I love the patterns and your fabric. You and mom did good!!!!

  59. Amy Quackenbush says:

    My grandmother and many of her generation, would always say necessity is the mother of invention, hence your asymmetrical quilt. Love it!!!! As I do all of your designs and colors. I made 6 of one of your purse/bags for all daughters and daughters in law for Easter, they loved them. Used batiks and they turned out great!! Can’t wait to have the summer off to design, quilt and knit!!

  60. Monika says:

    I love Soulful Blossoms! I am supposed to be working on a wall hanging, but took a break for blog reading. Back to work!

  61. Kari says:

    Good luck at market! I think this book is one of your best.

  62. Ming says:

    All the designs in your new book are great. I’m most fascinated by the Starlit Evening pattern and all the interlocking stars.

  63. I just love your happy quilts! Thanks so much for sharing your talents with all of us!!!

  64. Kelly O. says:

    I don’t think I’ve ever wanted a book more!!
    EVERY one of those quilts MUST be made by me! I think they’re great…all of them. I couldn’t even really pick a favourite….must google this book now and purchase immediately. I’m sorry you’ve been finding the creative process tough, but honestly it doesn’t show in your work 🙂

  65. Koye Hendrix says:

    I love them all. Can’t wait for the new book, I’ve made several things from the first “Livin Large” book. I’m doing curtins from your fabrics for my kitchen–can’t wait to get them finished. Koye

  66. Mary says:

    I love all of them. Pinwheel Posies and Starlit Evening are great. I’m working on another hexagon table runner from your book Sizzlin’ Sixties. I think this is about the 4th one. Have fun at Market. Thank you.

  67. Debbie says:

    Thanks for showing off the second half of the book. I was pretty pleased with the first half & I like the second half just as well. There are so many quilting publications out there now, that it is great to see one that I know several projects interest me and will be “makers”. This one is definitely on my list! Thanks for sharing. Good luck at market!

  68. Melissa says:

    What wonderful designs!!! I am currently working on a purse for my mom for Mother’s Day.

  69. SuperMom says:

    Those are beautiful quilts… I can see wanting to make each and every one of them so I’d love to win the book. Right now, I’m working on putting together some quilt tops to make into quilts for the victims of the tornadoes that ripped through the South last week.

  70. CathyR says:

    I love how you use the bold red in your quilts with all of the other fabrics! I haven’t quilted in several months now, but your pictures today make me want turn on the sewing machine

  71. Anna says:

    More gorgeous quilts. I really like the baby quilts. Baby quilts are really catching my eye lately, probably because I would like to make one for our next little one due in mid August : ) Maybe there will be time after we get our move/relocation finished. I really like Soulful Blossoms as well. That would look awesome on the big wall in the house we are trying to move into. Thank you for the inspiration.

  72. Carol says:

    I’m looking forward to seeing the book and making several of the quilts.

  73. Dana Hines says:

    I can’t wait for the book to come out, I already own all your other patterns/books and am excited to add this to my collection!

  74. Marj says:

    Oh! I am loving all of them. Especially the one with stars. I have some quilts to make for some wounded soldiers from Afghanistan, that are home now and that would be perfect.
    Can hardly wait till the book is available. Thanks for a chance to win it.

  75. Elizabeth E. says:

    I think it’s always good to read down the comments, because answers to questions pop up–like the question about your quilting (answer: I have a longarm). And the other good question about storing quilts–or giving them away–or selling them. I’ll look forward to your blogpost. I remember MaryLou Weidman said she had a bathroom dedicated to her quilts–lots and lots of them all piled up in her bathtub. It was a great image for me.

    Keeping Creativity Flowing–ah, yes. That’s what I want to talk about, but I do know it’s diluted by a dearth of ideas, a lack of time to get the work done, but also not enough time to disengage and let my mind wander, in order to make new connections and let go of the ones that aren’t working. It’s a challenge to keep it all in balance, but like anything in life–I’m still practicing, still working on it.

    Throw my hat into your ring for a copy of the book–it would help satisfy that “dearth of ideas” problem as you have given me some new ideas! thanks,
    Elizabeth E.

  76. Judy W says:

    Love them, but then what isn’t there to! Have some of your past Christmas fabric to make a quilt with, but will need to add to it with some of this years. Thanks for posting photos of quilting. Great quilting & ideas.

  77. Jen says:

    Love that Pinwheel Posies!! And Starlit Evening. I think it’s one that needs to be done for my daughter’s bed. Thanks for the chance!

  78. Linda says:

    I really need this book!!! You have outdone yourself on this one! Struggling with the creative process…..REALLY! WHATEVER

  79. Bonnie Novak says:

    You are such an inspiration. I wish I had your energy!! The patterns are wonderful and look real doable. I cant wait for the book release..I have the fabrics but I need the book.!! Thanks again.

  80. Audrey Bretz says:

    Well, I am up to finishing some things I have going on. Just finished a baby quilt. Those are fun to do because you can use all the bright or pastel things that don’t often go in the house! Your new patterns look wonderful and I love the way you photograph them!

  81. Jennifer W says:

    Thank you for the post. I really enjoy them. These quilts are all just “WOW”! I love your fabric choices and these patterns. They really make me want the book now. I can’t wait until I get my “blow money” for next month so I can buy the book.

  82. Ruth B says:

    Thank you for all the wonderful pictures! I have the fabric from your Spanish Tiles quilt and was looking for a way to use it…perfect. And, I bought Bliss fat quarters to make a queen bed quilt and I absolutely love Starlit Evening. I’m pretty sure I need that tree skirt in those fabrics too!

  83. Terry Giet says:

    Everything looks great! I love the pinwheel posies runner! I’m working on a quilt for hubby’s aunt right now. She embrodiered the blocks and I sewed it all up for her. I hope to have it finished this weekend so I can get back to some of my own sewing. Thanks for the giveaway! :0)

  84. Jan S. says:

    I think I’ll have to make one of everything in the book! Love it 🙂

  85. Sue Goodin says:

    I love all of the pictures but the tree skirt is my favorite.

  86. Dee says:

    I’m still working on renovating my sewing room so not much sewing going on. I appreciate all the eye candy today!

  87. Janet Griffith says:

    Those designs would work great with some of the fabric in my stash! Need to clear out the closet so that I can get the fabric that’s on the floor into the closet:)

  88. Brenda says:

    You are an amazing artist, and I look forward to every blog post. While I think your blog is just perfect the way it is, my husband wants me to ask you if Joel could add more grilling tips and recipes…go figure! Thank you for such incredible inspiration.

  89. Terri says:

    I love the colors you use, both in your fabric design and your wall colors!

  90. Joanna says:

    Pinwheels Posies and Starlit Evening are both gorgeous, and I love the way the tree skirt looks. Everything looks beautiful to me.

  91. Elaine Morgan says:

    Wow – forget about the 180+ UFOs I have – I want to make SEVERAL of the items from this book! I LOVE the “stars” on that last quilt! I would love to win the book – but if I don’t – it’s on my list to purchase!

  92. Kim says:

    I started a quilt last year using your Pretty in Pink pattern in your first Livin’ Large book using the same pink Pillow and Maxfield’s Whimsy fabric that you used with your new Spanish Tiles design! I put it away unfinished but your quilt has inspired me to get it out and finish it up! Thanks!

  93. Patty B. says:

    I love the Spanish Tiles quilt. Again a nice pattern for large prints. I will have to dig up my photos from Greece. I took some of beautiful wall paintings and floor tiles. I remember looking at them and thinking of what a lovely quilt they would make. Thanks for the inspiring us all to try new things.

  94. VickiT says:

    *SWOON* I just adore the boy quilt and the girl……….oh heck, I love them all and if I were to be asked which was my favorite, I could not. They are all just beautiful.

  95. Bonnie says:

    Heather – there certainly doesn’t look like any problem with your creative process. I couldn’t pick a favorite, I loved them all. I can also see where the sidewalk was inspiring – Wow. I can tell this is the book for me.

  96. Nancy says:

    I can’t wait to get a book! I really like the tree skirt but also like the baby quilts. I just love all the pictures you share. Your kitchen looks so cozy! For not knowing what to drum up next, you do quite well! You definitely stir up quilting interest !

  97. Rebecca Woods says:

    OMG!!! I looooovvvveeee Starlit Evening. I haven’t had a quilt tell me I MUST make it for awhile but that is gorgeous. We are moving to a horrible house next week but that quilt would sure brighten things up.

  98. OH, MY! It just gets better and better. I can’t remember if I commented on the previous preview but HAD to on this one. I LOVE the Spanish Tiles and the Starlit Evening is a must… a MUST have! Karen

  99. Michelle Rodriguez says:

    Love, love, love all the new projects. Can’t wait to get the book!!

  100. Deb Gilmore says:

    I LOVE your quilt designs!!! They are just beautiful. Your book has some wonderful ideas in it. You are a very talented woman! Thanks for sharing your talent with us!!!

  101. Carrie says:

    I love all these! Especially the not-quite-symmetrical kitchen quilt.

  102. Jana says:

    I love all these new quilts! You are amazing!

  103. Gretchen says:

    I just love all the quilts in this book! Your patterns are always unique and well written and easy to follow. I have made a number of your quilts and love them all. Can’t wait to have a copy of this latest book:)

  104. Asiyah says:

    Such fun and happy quilts!

  105. Wow! Another great book full of gorgeous quilts to drool over! Love your style and really would love to have this book!

  106. Maile Marquand says:

    Love the patterns and the fabric choices – so contemporary.

  107. Jocelyn says:

    Wow! I love the Spanish Tile!! And the table runner is so adorable. Love your designs. Just returned from Paducah, so I’m loving all this inspiration. Thanks!

  108. Vivian Oaks says:

    Love all the new designs! I especially like the “almost” celtic designs in most of them! I’ve always loved that type of pattern. Right now I’m working a quilt for my son & his wife (married 2 years ago!!), a quilt of valor for a soldier, a hand-stitched Star of the Orient in brights with a black background, and a Bento Box of Kansas Troubles Wildflower Serenade. However, right now I’m cleaning the livingroom, trying to figure where all the ants are coming from!!! Yuck!

  109. Julie in WA says:

    All great designs in this book! Love the fabrics as well!

  110. Megan Z. says:

    Wow! These quilts are absolutely beautiful … I love them all! I’ve been working on a sampler quilt the past few weeks, but didn’t really get a chance to that much this week because of work and school. Can’t wait to see more pictures and hope you have fun at Quilt Market!

  111. Kristi says:

    I love the Starlit quilt. It does look intimidating to sew. I will be interested in seeing how the blocks are sew together. This was a great post; I love seeing your new designs.

  112. Linda says:

    Those are absolutely AMAZING patterns~ A must-have book! And how did you know that a tree skirt is on my Must-Do list for the year? 🙂 I’m off to make a Taggie for a baby shower, then my daughter’s school play 🙂

  113. Christy Q says:

    Wow – I love that close-up of the pebble or bubble quilting. And the “Soulful Blossoms” is gorgeous!!! I’m inspired to get busy on a new project this weekend (if only I didn’t have other projects to do first!).

  114. Julia P says:

    What a great collection of quilts. I really, really liked the Christmas tree skirt and the pin wheel posies. Congrats on your upcoming book and will be looking for it! Good luck at Spring Market.

  115. Dottie's Daughter says:

    Those are all great designs and I love your fabric lines. I need to add more larger patterns to my stash.

  116. Diana says:

    LOVE the quilts, my favorite is the tree skirt. I think I need a new one.

  117. Pat says:

    All of your hard work was definitely a success. I love your new patterns from the book and also the line of fabric. Sure would be wonderful to get a copy of your book.

  118. rebecca says:

    Thanks for the pre-view. Lovin Living Large 2!!

  119. Love all the inspiration! Thank you! I am unpacking from a retreat and trying to organize my chaos so I can get back to the fun part~ sewing! 🙂 Have a happy weekend!

  120. Carol says:

    This is seriously the nicest quilt book I have ever seen. There have always been quilts in the books that I have boughten that I probably would never make…but this book is a must for my collection…I want to make them all !!!!!!!!!

  121. Kim B. says:

    WOW! You have really outdone yourself this time Heather! The quilts are absolutely stunning! I can’t wait to get my copy of your book to make them all! I am so inspired by your creativity and how you put a “modern” flare into quilting.
    Thanks for sharing all your beautiful quilts with us and for including the close-ups of your machine quilting.

  122. Paula W. says:

    I cannot wait to get this book. I have been wanting to make a new quilt for our bed and I absolutely love the Starlit Evening. I will definitely be making that one as well as many others from this wonderful book. Thank you for your hard work.

  123. Charlene says:

    I love show and tell. Starlit Evening is beautiful. I’m supposed to be sewing Mother’s Day aprons for the two Grandmas but I’m procrastinating and reading favorite blogs. When I was in grade 3 my teacher wrote that I tend to procrastinate and I didn’t know what that was but I have definetly mastered it now( 30+years later).

  124. Linda says:

    I have to make a table cloth for Christmas with those Christmas fabrics–wow—so amazing–love great prints–simple to sew designs……

  125. Dee says:

    Great patterns! I particularly like the interconnected stars!

  126. Maureen says:

    Love the Spanish Tiles quilt and pattern. Your creativity certainly shows in today’s post. Enjoy Market and Salt Lake City. Please enter me in your drawing.

  127. Sherry Book says:

    Oh Heather, this was a fun post…love the fabrics you choose and the quilting you’ve done on every single project! What inspiration you give…can’t wait to see the book! Right now I’m working on some Quilts for Kids, and have cut & partially sewn 5 from my own stash in the last few days. These projects are smaller so don’t take too long to make, which is good since the weather is warming up & I need to get outside soon. Thanks for a fun show today!

  128. Kensi says:

    I would love to hear about your creative process. The book looks great!

  129. HopeTN says:

    The quilts are all fabulous, I loved all the pictures and the quilting details. I particularly love the Spanish Tiles quilt, and really want to make one for my home.

    I always enjoy stopping by here, all your creativity is inspiring. I was just flicking through my copy of “On the Run” yesterday too, for the pleasure of it. I’ve got several quilt projects on the go, but still love to look at more possibilities.

  130. carol broughton says:

    WOW – these quilts are stunning! I would love to win your new book and make all of the projects. However, I will buy it for sure if I don’t win!

  131. kade says:

    What beautiful quilts. Loved the pictures of the quilting details.

  132. Karen W. says:

    I love the new quilts! I’m busy getting ready to move back to MN. I’ll have to see about trying one of your patterns after the big move.

  133. Teresa in Music City says:

    Heather you create such unusual, fresh designs! I just love Spanish Tiles, can’t wait to try it out on a set of fabrics I’ve been holding onto for a special quilt. And Soulful Blossoms is absolutely striking! Congratulations on such lovely work. I’d love to win a copy of the book, but if not I’ll be sure to purchase a copy ASAP!

  134. mariajhmom says:

    You set up a Christmas tree for a photo shoot! Right before market! You are a moron!!! We need a quilt day when you get back!

  135. Becky says:

    I’ve always had a hard time knowing what to do with the beautiful large scale prints. Your designs are perfect and inspire me to try them out….and not just for a quilt back! Would love to win your book. Thanks for the inspiration.

  136. Dica says:

    Oh, I always love to look at your new designs looking forward to trying some of them when I get the directions on how to make them. I always enjoy your posts.

  137. marsha nelson says:

    I’m just in the middle of making a quilt from your Artful Home fabric. When I took it to my guild and started sewing, everyone wanted to know where they could get it. Just thought I’d let you know. I really love the tree skirt. Especially with the black polka dots. The Christmas line is just soooooo yummy. Thanks for these fun, colorful materials for all your fans to work with. And the great prizes. The book would be great!

  138. Anne Simonot says:

    Those are some beautiful quilts! I think my favourite is the flower table runner – BTW, I have just made a table runner with one of your Little Charmer patterns and I love it!

  139. Liz says:

    Love all the quilts & fabrics, especially the Christmas Tree Skirt.

  140. Karen W says:

    I love the way you use your fabric…it is always so bright and cheery. The Spanish Tile pattern is great.

  141. Julie says:

    I love Starlit Evening!! I really like that your designs embrace large scale prints. Sometimes it’s hard to figure out what to do with those without chopping them up and losing the print. As for what I’m working on these days? That list is so long I’m not sure your comment box will let me write it all down!

  142. Karla says:

    Your quilts are fabulous!!! Just love everything you do. Amazing what you do when you have creative block!!!

  143. Debbie says:

    Wow, what an impressive display of beautiful work! Love your Spanish Tiles, and the tree skirt is very unique – and lovely!

  144. All of the designs are beautiful Heather and have really got me thinking…..
    I’m working on a reversible jacket out of Flower Sugar for my one year old granddaughter Audrey – almost finished!

  145. Every time you come up with something new, I fall in love all over again! Awesome patterns and fabric!

    This week-end I am finishing binding on a quilt that someone actually PAID me to do! I am very excited about it. She had me make a college graduation quilt for her daughter, I hope she likes it. I also need to get up and go to finish a baby quilt. The shower is this Wednesday and I don’t have the rows sewn together. Ugh! My goal is to quilt it on Sunday. I am keeping my fingers crossed!

  146. leslie says:

    LOVE the interconnecteing stars! I love anything with stars!

  147. Carey says:

    You most definitely have NOT lost your creativity, the quilts are stunning.

  148. Sherri says:

    I love everything…good thing I ordered the book yesterday…I was going to wait to see it at market but decided I had to see it before…so happy it’s on the way!

  149. Kathleen says:

    Your patterns are always so wonderful, I want to make them all! I’ve made 4 from your first Living Large book, so I know this book will have to make it’s way to my collection. I love your fabric choices…all your quilts look so happy!

  150. LisaG says:

    Great Quilts!! I love them all!!!

  151. lystra Seymour says:

    I love all theses quilts!! When did you say the book was coming out?? I forgot. I will be looking for it!

  152. lystra Seymour says:

    love the rest of these!!

  153. Judy W says:

    Your books are really ‘spot on’ with my fabric and quilt style taste. Right now I am finishing “Diamond Diva”. It’s been lingering in my sewing room a long time since I decided I needed to sew myself some spring clothes. I can’t decide if I should splurge and send it to a long arm quilter when done, or do it myself on my domestic machine.
    I love the new book!
    Judy W

  154. Wow! I’m trying not to buy too many books, but this one is going on the list of have to have. The stars are awesome and the spanish tiles are also wonderful!

  155. Jane Welstad says:

    After many long months of winter it was uplifting to view your gorgeous bright fabrics. I can’t wait to start a project from the new book. Love it.

  156. Eileen says:

    WOW! I love them all!!!!

  157. Rachel Hayes says:

    These are really beautiful. Can’t wait to get your book. By the way, I really, really appreciate you providing closeups of your quilting. It helps me to learn new ways of quilting.

  158. Rebecca Silbaugh says:

    Today my two loves are both fighting for my attention – I’m trying to decide to stay in and quilt or go out in the nece weather and play in the garden. Decisions decisions! Love the new book! Congrats!

  159. Sharlene says:

    They are Awesome and I want to make every one of them.

  160. Darlene B says:

    I have been taking some classes for the last year, so my quilting time has been pretty much nonexistent. But I’m nearing the end of the classes, and all I can think about is what project I can start as soon as I finish them! I would love to win a copy of this great book.

  161. Deb G. in VA says:

    I love all your new patterns, especially the table topper/tree skirt! Thanks for sharing!

  162. Gawquah says:

    Love the blocks with flowers and the flower quilting motif. I agree it is very difficult to find all the parts to make a baby boy quilt successful. You did! I never seem to have less than 4 quilting projects going at once and sometimes leaves little time for my knitting!

  163. Sherrell says:

    Love your new book. Thanks for the giveaway, would love to win.

  164. di says:

    The quilts in this book are beautiful! Looking forward to getting the book – thanks for the opportunity to win one!!!

    Have a wonderful Mother’s Day!

  165. Cindi P. says:

    I love your new quilts and will need to go out and get the new book 🙂 I kept thinking..oh I need to make that one…and that one…and that one…you get the idea 🙂

  166. Jane says:

    Heather, I just love to look at your quilts and the ways that you use them to decorate! My living room needs an update and I am making an idea folder with many of your designs and quilts included. I enjoy your blog and look forward to reading about your activities! Your new Christmas fabrics are beautiful! (Yes, I guess I’m kind of “gushy”, but all is true!) Thanks for the inspiration!

  167. Nancyz says:

    Love the quilts in this posting and the last one too! Can’t wait to see you fabric in the quilt shops. Thanks for the giveaway.

  168. Peggi says:

    Wow a lot of great projects in that book! I love the polka dots in the tree skirt, they really make it snap!

  169. Mary-Kay says:

    Wow! When you don’t post for a while, you sure get busy. All your quilts are just beautiful. I especially love how the tree skirt turned out.

  170. Ann says:

    Some more great designs! The book keeps looking more and more tempting! I hope market is a huge success for you! Looking forward to seeing pictures from your booth when you get back.

  171. I love ALL of these patterns! You are very creative and inspiring, so keep up the good work!

  172. Heidi B says:

    Heather, Thanks for creating such a fun Blog! When I get stuck on a project or just need to get inspired, I look you up. I like it when you put close-up pictures of your long-arm quilting, I get ideas for my long arm that I want to try. I would love to win your book!!!

  173. Dawn Stephens says:

    Love, love love your quilts! You are such an inspiration to me. We recently moved to a new house and you have inspired me to fill my walls and beds with your amazing quilts. Thanks!

  174. Tracie says:

    I love the quilt displayed in your sister’s bedroom and the tree skirt. I promised myself that I will tackle binding my four quilts stacked up before starting something new. I don’t like binding, so I’m going to try your method posted earlier. Then I’ll be ready for something new!

  175. Shari says:

    Everything beautiful – colorful fabrics, original designs, lovely quilting. I’m still a hand quilter but signed up for a machine quilting class next month. Have always been intimidated by machine quilting but your quilts have inspired me to go for it! Thanks.

  176. Cheryl says:

    Love all your quilts!! Do you sleep?

  177. martha mumaw says:

    My likes usually tend to go with tradition and civil war fabrics . However i really like those patterns and the fabrics i will be on the look out for your book!!
    thanks martha

  178. bev/mo says:

    I am loving this new book! Connecting Stars and Hip (not) To Be Square are first on my list. I’d LOVE to win a copy!

  179. Sarah Anderson says:

    I love the starlit evening quilt on the bed! I am very interested in doing that pattern for my daughter. The quilting on the Pinwheel Posies is perfect! Smiles – Sarah Anderson

  180. Lisa LeBlanc says:

    Wow, I just love your colors, they are so pretty, colorful and vibrant! The Christmas tree skirt is so cute! Lisa in Texas

  181. Linda Wilkinson says:

    Pinwheel Posies is my hands-down favorite, I would love to make it as a table runner for my dining room. Soulful Blossoms is a close second though; I love the off-center placement of the flowers. This book is on my “must have” list, and if I am not lucky enough to be picked by the RNG, I will be waiting for my local quilt shop to carry it.
    Thanks for sharing your newest creations!

  182. Jaylene says:

    I love all your projects from this new book. I’m always on the look out for cute baby quilts. I love the Soulful Blossoms baby quilt. Would love to win a copy of your book.

  183. Tracey says:

    I really like all the designs you have previewed, all very inspiring. I would love to make Starlit Evening, as you have in Bliss. I have been saving this bundle for something special, I think this fits the bill 🙂 I would love to win a copy of this great book, thank you for the opportunity.

  184. Zina says:

    I love all the projects in this book. I would love to win a copy! If I’m not one of the lucky ones though, when will it be available? I tried to find it on and was unsuccessful.

  185. Angela says:

    This book is your best work so far! I want to make most of them! I will definitely be buying your book if I don’t win a copy. And if I do win a copy I will buy the book for my best friend! Love your quilts!

  186. Deb says:

    I ALWAYS love your posts! And I would love a copy of your book. I especially like the soul blossoms in your kitchen and the starlit evening–amazing! I’m not up to any sewing right now (and I miss it!)…too much outside work going on in the yard/garden. I hope to be back quilting soon!

  187. Sandy F. in MO says:

    OMG. I love all the quilts you’ve pictured. I need to make a tree skirt and yours is one of the prettiest I’ve seen. Please, please, please pick me!

  188. Debbie says:

    I love the hexagon quilt with the stars on top. Sort of looks like celtic, doesn’t it? I’ve got some paperwork to do and then I’ll be preparing for a FPP miniatures class I’ll be teaching. So, that’s what I’ll be up to! Thanks for counting me in, Heather!

  189. Mary says:

    Good luck at Market next week. This new book is a must have and I will be buying it for sure if I don’t win it. You have an amazing talent.

  190. AngelaMcD says:

    Lovely quilts! I like them all!

  191. Heather J says:

    I love the Spanish tiles quilt. All of your quilts are amazing.

  192. Roseann K says:

    I just love these new quilts from your new book! I definitely need to put it on my list. Your quilts are gorgeous! They are all on my “to do” list! Can’t wait for the book to come out, of course I’d love to win it! The Spanish Tiles is my favorite.

  193. A Betty says:

    I wish I had your decorating skills. You just know what pretty thing to add to the wall or table.

  194. Linda K says:

    I was so very happy to read that Starlit Evening isn’t as hard as it looks!!, because I think I need to make that one and I’m a bit intimidated. Thanks for the chance to win your book. I’m finishing up a Quilt Of Valor and then on to picking a new project with bright and summery colors, for sure.

  195. susan m says:

    Thanks for the chance to win your book. I really love Spanish Tiles. Glad to know Starlit Evening is stripped pieced. Really appreciate seeing your quilting designs up close.

  196. Kim G says:

    Wow, what amazing quilts, really like all of them. That would be one GREAT book to win!! Love the tree skirt the best with your fabric!!

  197. Jane S. says:

    Such happy quilts with great designs! I really like how well the designs and fabrics go together. With each scroll down I found another quilt I want to make! Thanks for the wonderful inspirations.

  198. Cory says:

    I am loving your new patterns. I think Starlit Evening is my favorite. Thank you for sharing them with us. Take care and God bless, Cory

  199. Debbie says:

    Thanks so much for sharing your home with us and your talent. You are such an inspiration! We need some color to cheer us up, our spring has been so cloudy and gloomy and your quilts are a wonderful pick me up!!

  200. Deb Shetler says:

    OMG – I loved the preview of the first quilts in your new book and didn’t think you could beat those. But you did! I must have this book. I have several bundles of fabric that would look stunning in several of your new patterns.

    Deb S.

  201. All the quilts are beautiful, and your home is gorgeous! Every time I read your blog, I want to take up quilting!

  202. Leslie says:

    Oh Heather! Where to begin? I want to make them all. By far one of my new favorite books! Congratulations!

  203. 4dreamsr says:

    Great post! Love seeing your work & loved the up close shots of the quilting. I think you’re just one of those very creative people. Anyone else would just see a sidewalk.

  204. Steph says:

    Can’t wait to buy your new book. Love all the new patterns.

  205. Rachael R. says:

    Love it all! Thanks for sharing your beautiful creations!

  206. Gloria says:

    I enjoyed seeing your new quilt, thanks! I’ve been looking for a tree skirt pattern and I may have found it.

  207. Kristen says:

    Wow…amazing quilts and fabric…love it all. I’m inspired! I’ve been working on a lot of hexagons lately, but feel the need to start doing some machine piecing. 🙂

  208. Cheryl S. says:

    “The Rest of the Preview” was amazing! there isn’t one project that I don’t LOVE. Great job of the machine quilting. Thanks for showing the detail!

  209. Heather,
    I really like the new designs especially the star one that you used in the tree skirt and the bed skirt- It is also fun to see it in both dark and light strips- The quilt looks gorgeous on the bed. I am sure your new book is going to be a great hit.

  210. Erica says:

    Heather, that is some pretty amazing work for “having trouble with the creative process”. Your work is always so beautiful. Thanks so much for the sneak peak of goodness to come.

  211. Emilee says:

    LOVE all the patterns, the new book is wonderful!

  212. Penny says:

    The quilts are beautiful, your photography is great, this is a must have book!
    Now back to my son’s 21st birthday quilt.

  213. Linda McKibben says:

    Absolutely loved looking at all of your new quilt designs. The Spanish Tiles was especially beautiful. The quilting was perfect and nice to be able to see up close. Have been working on 2 BOM applique quilts and would love to do something different soon.

  214. Wendy Tulloch says:

    I just got back from a trip to Paris and it is amazing how much quilting inspiration that you do find in your pictures when you look at them! Right now I am working on an applique wallhanging – very spring/summer like.

  215. Denise (Denny) Aleckson says:

    This preview was well worth the wait-Heather! I love all your patterns, especially for the fact that you don’t have to cut all the gorgeous fabric up into such small pieces… showcases the fabric designs…. I am trying to finish up some UFO’s, but am getting very anxious to start something new, after reading your post! Thank you!

  216. Lisa Marie says:

    All I can say is Wow. I wanted to make almost every quilt from your first post about your book. And then the second post came and my list doubled! And I never did get any of your Artful home fabric, but now I think I must go on a search for it. Oh my goodness, I am so inspired!

  217. Annika says:

    I can’t wait to get this new book! I have all your books before and I love them so much.

  218. StampinKris says:

    I’m new to quilting and have fallen in love with everything you do. I never thought liked quilts, because I’m not into sampler quilts or the ones with the big star made of 2million pieces. Thank you for the wonderful quilts and patterns that are not so overwhelming. I recently finished your ‘Sweet Pea’ design, and am working up the courage to freemotion quilt it. Seeing your newest design helps me understand how people end up with lots of started projects or planned projects. I want to make them all!
    One quick question. When people build a ‘stash’ of fabrics, how much of each do they buy? Or better yet, If I want to start collecting large design fabrics for one of your quilts, how much is enough?
    Thanks again for all the great designs!

  219. Janelle J says:

    Love your starry evening quilt! What a different pattern. It’s so nice to see different things to inspire us. Thanks!

  220. Laura Delea says:

    Your quilts are beautiful! I have the first book and would love to have this one too! Laura

  221. Linda T says:

    Such beautiful quilts! Count me in on your drawing for the book – I’d love to sit down and enjoy it! No time tonight though, I’ve got computer work to do (and not just reading all your wonderful blogs!).

  222. candace says:

    I am just in awe. Your quilts and patterns in Livin Large 2 are absolutely gorgeous. I would love to make them all and can’t wait to buy the book and make some of those quilts. Love, love, love it!!!

  223. Great post thanks for sharing. You have a great layout here. Quilting is something I really enjoy doing. It passes the time and is very relaxing.

  224. WOW…I loved Living Large 1…it’s my favorite. I left a comment a few months ago asking for Living Large 2. It was just a whim wishing you’d do another. WOW…I love it all. The star Christmas Tree Skit is TOPS!

  225. Pingback: Super Secret Quilting | Passing Down Crazy

  226. Pingback: More Patchwork Posies | Trends and Traditions

  227. Doris Chance says:

    I would love to order your Starlight Evening quilt pattern but Quilters Warehouse doesn’t have it. Can I order it from you or maybe you can give me the name of a place to order it.

    Thank you,
    Doris Chance

  228. Sally Dea says:

    where can I find the Spanish tile pattern… can’t seem to locate it. It is beautiful

  229. Pingback: All Crafting! All the Time! | Passing Down Crazy

  230. Kira says:

    How do you make everything do perfectly?

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